Best Lawyers in America Names 74 GableGotwals Attorneys to its 2025 List
Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement, and selections are made on an annual, state-by-state basis.
Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement, and selections are made on an annual, state-by-state basis.
GableGotwals obtained a significant victory in the Oklahoma Supreme Court for its client, the Jackson County Emergency Medical Service District. In a unanimous, published opinion on a public law question of first impression, the High Court issued a writ against a Grady County District Judge prohibiting further proceedings in a personal injury case against the District. Neither the Oklahoma Constitution authorizing creation of the District nor the Oklahoma Governmental Tort Claims Act, which protects counties and cities, expressly authorizes immunity for Districts from damage suits. The Supreme Court held, the District had sovereign immunity and prohibited the District Court from going forward in the suit against the District.
GableGotwals obtained a significant victory in the Oklahoma Supreme Court for its client, the Jackson County Emergency Medical Service District.
The Tenth Circuit’s decision will likely make it more difficult to obtain summary judgment in oilfield contamination cases.
GableGotwals is pleased to announce that 74 lawyers have been recognized in the 2024 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America, four of which were newly included, and seven newly named on the "Ones to Watch" list. In addition, eight GableGotwals attorneys were named 2024 "Lawyer of the Year."
Best Lawyers® in America has named 16 GableGotwals attorneys to the 2023 “Lawyer of the Year” list. Only a single lawyer in each practice area and designated metropolitan area is honored as the “Lawyer of the Year,” making this accolade particularly significant. These lawyers are selected based on particularly impressive voting averages received during the peer-review assessments.
GableGotwals obtained a unanimous jury verdict in favor of its client, Toklan Oil & Gas, LLC, in Tulsa County District Court. The case arose from a casing leak repair operation on an oil well. After four days of trial, the Court submitted the case to the jury who returned a unanimous verdict in favor of Toklan.
GableGotwals represented subcontractor Metal Building Industries (MBI) in a 5-day jury trial to recover for non-payment for work completed on a commercial construction contract. The jury spent just 45 minutes deliberating before entering a verdict in favor of MBI on breach of contract for the entire $181,015.97.